
Halden housework association

The purpose of the Halden housework association is to promote good Norwegian housework, culturally, socially and economically.

Halden husflidslag is a local team of Norway’s husflidslag. Halden husflidslag was founded in May 1966. The team had 92 members as of 31 December 2022, including 5 members in Ung husflid. We run our business in rented premises in Svenskegt. 2. We have offers in most areas of home improvement such as weaving, sewing, knitting, tapestry and crochet. We have extensive course availability. This spring’s courses are leather felt printing, fist courses and thank-you baking. The courses are open to everyone, including non-members. So are our monthly housework meetings and knitting café. Ung Husflid for the age group 9-16 is a relatively new offer run by the team. The “Sustainable” project will characterize the offer going forward. This is about reuse, repair and re-stitching, and is a national initiative for increased environmental awareness.

We organize a Christmas fair and membership lottery every year to raise income for rent and other running expenses. We are constantly looking for new partners and want to be part of the voluntary cultural life in Halden with an open profile for everyone who is interested in needlework and housework. Last year we cooperated, e.g. with the Nature Conservation Association in connection with the big clothes change day.

Contact information

Mobile: 909 62 031
Svenskegata 2, 1776 Halden