Halden scout group of the Norwegian scout association

Photo: Norwegian Scout Association

It is not easy to explain in a few words what scouting is. You can be a scout almost all your life, and during your time as a scout you naturally do a lot of different things. Central to being a Scout in Norway are outdoor activities, friendship, cooperation and experiences.

Scouting is outdoor life all year round with experiences together with others. Scouting is cooperation on tasks, scouting is friendship that arises and develops along the way – also across national borders. Because scouting takes place all over the world and is an international, non-profit movement with approx. 38 million members in more than 216 countries. Scouting is about getting involved with others than yourself, both for those you have around you and for people you don’t know.

Contact information
Blomsterveien 6, 1781 Halden